Sunday, November 29, 2009

Introducing 1 Backpack Europe - The KISS Nuggets

Dear Readers,

You are welcome to leave your comments in the various postings in this blog especially, if you have some KISS nuggets to share on backpacking or traveling in Europe. I hope my personal insights act as an initiator and provide an avenue for readers and travelers to share travel reviews, insights and tips for the purpose of improving future travels.

Did you just ask, what is KISS nuggets?  Keeping Insight Short and Simple! ;)

Last Oct'09, I took a break to do something I have always wanted to do... to go solo, travel backpack Europe spontaneously! Travel Europe, travel on my own, travel last minute, travel backpacking, all I have never done before this trip.

So in this blog, I like to share my personal review and insight as an 
in-experienced traveler on backpack Europe last minute, reviewing the itinerary, journey and local tours, accommodation, flights and ground transportation, food, packing and security, budget, people, myth, etc, all for the purpose of improving future travels.

Thank you for reading.

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Backpack Europe - Just Go, Explore and Discover

Dear Reader,

You are most welcome to share your travel reviews, tips and comments on anything or everything under the sun related to travel in the various postings of this blog. Feel free to just express your heart out ....

Thank you for reading.