(Backpack Europe Oct'09)

Post Travel Insight
Traveling Europe, an average meal cost around 5-6euros, for me. For 10euros and more, I can get relatively good meals in a restaurant. For 2-3euros, I can get good and huge looking sandwiches. (In fact, all food portions looked huge to me in Europe.)
The wine is such a favorite and common drink in Europe, especially among the British. It is also not expensive. One of the dorm mate I met in Italy, drank wine for mineral water everyday. Traveling solo in Europe, on several occasions, I had the privileged of being offered a glass of free wine as compliment to my meal in restaurant.
In Italy, I had pizza and ice-cream almost every day. I can get really good, delicious and sumptuous pizza around 3-4euros. Mmmm… the Rome and Venice ice-creams were yummy especially in cold weather....
I ate McDonald’s a couple of times in Europe. I really like the Ceasar Salad and Crispy crumbs yogurt which are not available in Malaysia McDonald.
Actually I’m not really a food-person…I like junk food, snacks and can eat at odd times, anytime. So I don’t have much to comment about food.
Mineral water is very expensive in Europe. The most expensive I drank was 5euros per bottle. I only realized quite late that most of the tap water were drinkable in most places in Europe especially in Lucerne and Salzburg.
Backpack Europe for 3 weeks, I was really glad, my last minute packing had included some multi-vitamin tablets, nutritional supplement sachets and some cereal bars that have kept me going at times when I didn’t get a good night rest. Also kept me healthy enough to avoid H1N1 :).
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