Friday, December 11, 2009

Backpack Europe: Budget Review and Insight


Post Travel Insight

In my opinion, one of the main budget challenge in backpacking Europe last minute and spontaneously was minimizing traveling expense since everything was about 5 times more expensive in Europe. (In Oct’09 the currency exchange rate was around 1Pound = RM5.60 and 1euro = RM5.05).
In general traveling spontaneously do incur higher expenses. If money or budget is of main concern, then is better to plan in detail, way in advance.

Nonetheless, it is "not impossible" to do spontaneous travel without spending too much. However, it comes with experience or at least knowledge from the experience of others. 
Also, nowadays there are many accommodation and transport aggregators as well as tour agencies offering many promotional deals for last minute travelers and spontaneous travelers.

For my last minute backpack Europe trip,I found that it was easier to forecast rough budget online for accommodation and flights but not trains and local city tours. Most of the public transport ticket-prices increase on a daily basis. (For me, since I did not buy Euro Rail Pass, expensive last minute train tickets have contributed substantially to my travel expenses.)

It was also not that easy to forecast for minor forms of ground transportation such bus fares, entrance fees to museum, guides’ fees and other miscellaneous fees such as toilet entrance fee. ( I can’t remember clearly which place but I remembered paying 1.5euro (RM 7.50) just to go toilet… )

Regarding food and drinks expenses, that depends very much on individual’s appetite, preference, mood, chance encounters and the preferences of travel friends.

In general, I would say, to do last minute spontaneous travel backpack Europe, I think it is a safe practice to have 20% -30% extra buffer on top of any pre-allocated travel budget.

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